As a community based, not-for-profit preschool, we welcome, appreciate and depend on your involvement. We value our families and the community as partners in your child’s education and hope you and extended family will become involved in your child’s preschool experience.
Families can do this by taking an interest in what happens at preschool; talking to your child about their day; reading our daily curriculum and newsletters; spending time at preschool to play and interact with your child and their friends; completing surveys; caring for our place; joining the management or fundraising committee; making suggestions; joining in social events and working bees; reading your child’s journal and writing and pasting in the journal with your child; telling others about the wonderful things that are happening at Dover Heights Community Preschool.
Families are a very important part of a community based preschool and you have a very important role to fulfill at Dover Heights Community Preschool. We value and welcome your support.