Lorikeets group are Monday & Tuesday.
Kookaburras group are Wednesday, Thursday & Friday.
Term 1 28 January – 8 April
8-Mar Lorikeets Music for Little Ones 10:00
9-Mar Kookaburras Aus Wildlife Displays 11:00
22-Mar Lorikeets Mad Hatter’s Hat Parade TBC
24-Mar Kookaburras Mad Hatter’s Hat Parade TBC
Term 2 26 April – 1 July
3-May Lorikeets Mother’s Day Celebration TBC
6-May Kookaburras Mother’s Day Celebration TBC
24-May Lorikeets Kidz Zoo 10:00
26-May Kookaburras Turbans, Ties and Turkish Slippers 1:30
Term 3 18 July – 23 September
26-Jul Lorikeets Dinosaurs 10:00
10-Aug Kookaburras Einstein’s Science 10:00
30-Aug Lorikeets Father’s Day Afternoon TBC
2-Sep Kookaburras Father’s Day Afternoon TBC
Term 4 10 October – 20 December
19-Oct New Families Orientation Day 10:00 – 12:00
24-Oct Lorikeets Sandpit Photos 10:00
25-Oct Lorikeets Jam on Toast 10:00
27-Oct Kookaburras Sandpit Photos 10:00
2-Dec Kookaburras Year End Concert TBC
9-Dec Both Groups Fancy Dress Friday TBC
13-Dec Lorikeets Last Day
15-Dec Kookaburras Aunty Wendy’s Mob 10:00
16-Dec Kookaburras Graduation and Last Day
If an event happens to fall on a day your child is not at preschool, you are always welcome to come along to the event!